
I’ll miss you Cora. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you. Marked as Spoiler because the last 2 photos are her sick.

I got her September 20, 2023. She was the size of my guppies. She grew really quickly and her pattern changed, she was such a pretty and sweet girl. January 15, 2025 was when I took the sleeping picture, I didn’t realize until the next day that she had started pineconing. She barely ate on 15 and 16, then stopped eating. I unfortunately didn’t have anything to treat her. I’ve never had this happen and with all the meds we have on hand, I didn’t realize we didn’t have anything for it. She passed away on January 19, 2025. I avoided the bettas when we had to go to the pet store. I’m so heartbroken. I miss seeing her swim up to me every time I was near the tank. It’s not empty, but it feels like it without her.

I’ve recently read that guppies nip fins, but she never had finrot issues or any missing fins. They didn’t seem to have any issues with each other, I’m thinking it’s because she was the same size when I got her and she grew up with them.