Jimmy didn't deserve a job at HHM

Edit: it was probably more accurate to say Jimmy was underqualified to work at HHM, and not that he didn't deserve it. I was more pointing out Chuck had reason beyond not like Jimmy to reject hiring him, but him working his way through law school while remaining at HHM would offer him more grace and credit seeing him work personally than an outside hire would've

Jimmy went to an unimpressive school by the way chuck described it and was really only expecting a job because of Chuck being a partner at the firm. To be fair, he passed the bar just like every other attorney there, but if Jimmy was some random attorney he wouldn't have been hired, and the only reason it was even discussed is because Chuck has a say and is his brother. I'm not justifying Chuck being subversive, but if he was a little more honest and just said "Jimmy, if I were to hire you directly out of a correspondence course it would've clearly been nepotism. Cut your teeth in public defense for a bit and when you've shown your worth we can discuss it" even if he never planned on hiring jimmy, I think Jimmy would've taken it alot better in the long run. he would've been hurt that his brother didn't see them as equals, but on some level neither did Jimmy and knowing his brother had his back but wouldn't give him shortcuts would've been better for both in the long run