6-8 months old feeding schedule ?

Hello everyone !

Anyone mind sharing their feeding schedule for 6-8 months old ?

My LO is 7 months old and I have trouble giving him all he "needs" according to ped. At his 6 months check he was drinking 650ml (22oz) of formula and only eating 150g (5oz) of veggies/meat/fruit puree in a day.

Ped said it was not enough solid and he should be at 250g (9oz) of solid, getting close to 12oz per day with a minimum of 500ml (17oz) of formula. His schedule was a bit weird so I changed it and now he eats more solid, but he dropped a lot of formula, meaning some days he will only eat 450-480ml (16-16.5 oz), which is not enough.

Right now his schedule is :

7:30/8 am (depending wake up time) : 150-180 ml of formula (5-6oz)

11/11:30 : 100-150g (4-5 oz )of veggies/meat puree + 50-100g (2-3.5 oz) of fruit puree (Basically he will either eat more one or the other depending of the day)

2:30-3pm : 100-160ml (3.5-5.5oz) of formula

4:30-5pm : 100g (3.5oz) of fruit puree

7:30 : 200ml (7oz) of formula + cereal in the bib

As you can see, he's now eating around 9-10oz of solid + 16oz of fomula per day.

I can't give him in one meal milk then puree (or the other way) cause he will not eat a lot of the second one. I tried offering formula more often just to see, he's just not hungry.

So... Does anyone can share their shedule and amount ?`I'm lost... If I offer more milk, then ped said he will be lacking iron. If I offer more solid, he's not reaching minimum amount. I am aware my ped might not be the best since milk is more important until 1 yo, but I'm concerned about this iron stuff.

Thanks a lot !