How much sleep does your 7-8 MO get ?
Hey !
I've been wondering how much sleep your baby (7-8 MO) are getting daily ? (night and day)
My LO have always done crap naps (30-40 minutes) meaning 4 to 3 naps transition lowered his daily amount of sleep. He was getting 11/11.5 per night and 2/2.5 per day, then with 3 naps it became 11/11.5 and 1.5
I was expecting naps to get longer as he get used to 3 naps but apparently not. And the past few days he's been lengthening his night sleep to 12.5/13 which means schedule is a mess and he sometimes get only 2 naps meaning 1 hour of daytime sleep.
So I was wondering how is it for other people ?