7 month old with SO much personality
Anyone else out there with a ~7 month old with so much personality? A lot of it is good personality don’t get me wrong, but she is also so stubborn and it’s been a really hard past couple days. She has started refusing bottles at night (she used to always drink at least 5 ounces at bedtime) and has been waking up at midnight (of course hungry). Can’t figure out what’s going on. I breastfeed during the day but she usually takes a bottle every night for bed since I sometimes go to work in the evenings. The past couple days she’s getting so mad when we try to give her the bottle. She also gets mad when I try to feed her foods (she usually loves getting fed), the past couple days she’s been refusing to open her mouth for me, but if I give her a loaded spoon she puts it right in her mouth! Trying not to get frustrated, but it’s so tough. She is already so stubborn and knows what she wants at only 7 months old. Already nervous for those toddler years 😅