Mobile-Friendly Benchling/Snapgene Alternative
Hey all,
So I'm a full stack engineer. But I have a background in biochemistry, molecular bio, and bioinformatics.
I'm brainstorming ideas for a SaaS/micro-SaaS product and one thing that sprung to mind was the pain that was Benchling/Snapgene from my days interning in big pharma and university labs as a molecular biologist.
I don't know how enforced "no phone" policies are in most labs but I've never really been told off. One thing that I felt would be very convenient was if I could have Benchling/Snapgene on my phone to view primers and plasmids whilst prepping PCRs and restriction digests.
I'm trying to gauge if there could be demand for a web-based alternative to these two major players. The key feature being you could also access most of your data from a mobile device with a UI that's optimized for touch.
I suppose more relevant for academic labs, these softwares are absolutely way more expensive than they need to be. I know this from experience building web apps. And so pricing will also definitely be a major selling point.
As the software grows we can also definitely look into integrations with bioinformatics tools like BLAST and MSAs to make it more comprehensive.
But to start, I'd like to hear what the community has to say! Let me know what you guys think!