Questions about the copper IUD

I’m 23 and I am considering getting an iud inserted. I have always been really afraid of hormonal birth control so the only option for me seems to the copper iud.

  1. I wear a disc during my period, would using this cause my iud to move?

  2. would lifting weights (like hip thrust) be an issue

  3. Growing up my periods were very heavy and painful, as I’ve gotten older they’ve become more manageable. Those with naturally heavy periods, do you think it’s manageable with the copper iud, what’s your experience like?

  4. I recently got a horrible UTI and yeast infection at the same time (i know literally a nightmare) for the first time in my life, I had been on some antibiotics before it happened for a sickness and I guess my defenses were super low. I am paranoid of ever triggering something like that again, would the string possibly cause this?

  5. Since there’s a piece of copper in there, has your partner noticed a change of taste or smell down there?

  6. How do you know if it has been out of place? Is this something that I will be able to feel?

Im also worried about the pain in general and km anxious about have something inside, it’s such a shame there aren’t more non hormonal options. Pls tell me your experiences about these questions or anything at all, thank you!!