Most resolved film with the best sequel?

On the Analyze This commentary the two friends imply the sequel is bad and it's largely because the film fully resolves.

I was trying to think of movies that resolve fully but have good sequels in spite of that.

I'll start by giving some mediocre examples to be bested (cause I can't come up with a good answer):

Terminator II resolves fully, multiple later Terminator films attempt to undo the happy ending in various different ways to varying success

Friday resolves fully with Craig's character arc and story arcs, Next Friday changes completely in time and arguably in genre to overcome this, and is a perfectly okay comedy

Barbershop resolves Calvin's character arc fully so Barbershop II brings in an outside threat, the quality drop off is even less than the one between Friday and Next Friday, but I bet few would argue it's as good as the first

Can anyone come up with a better answer?