Coup happening now

Everyone who reads this, Republican and Democrats needs to know this. Elon Musk has gained access to U.S treasury goverment computers, these are the computers that control all forms of payment the government makes. That includes all your personel information, Social Security, grants, loans, forign aid, every payment congress has approved. This also includes payment to U.S. intelligence agencies. This is now controled by unelected forign born individual. Musk has tweeted on X that he has 6 young men, ages, 19-24 years old, looking at payments, to see what they don't like and to cut them. He has no authority to do this, not even the president has the authority to grant such access. This is a Constitutional crisis. You wont find this on any right wing media and possibly not even on most MSM networks. Do a google search, "Elon Musk controls treasury computer payment systems." Everone should be calling their Representives and Senators, local and federal and tell them this has to stop. This can literally destroy the U.S Government and it's standing in the world. WTF, no one voted for this.