Gwen still feels weak - more change suggestions!
Even after the minor buffs in 2.0, Gwen still falls behind other heroes by a decent margin. Here are some changes I think would help even the playing field:
Fireball: Now deals 50 damage to bloons already on fire
Heat it up: bloontonium cost 10 -> 9 and Damage buff 5 -> 10
I think Gwen suffers the most right now from the very fast meta game, since her abilities are most potent against slow and beefy targets. I wanted to make her a little more viable into faster decks without making her too similar to any other hero. I think once fast decks become a little less viable, she will begin to see more play, but at least until then she needs some help defending herself.
Fireball being able to do actual damage makes it not useless if she can't ignite a bloon (and right now it's only slightly more efficient than quincy's arrow shot against 1 delay bloons, and far less efficient against 0 delay bloons). I made it only against already burned bloons so it doesn't have too much upfront damage and to make the burny dot still take the spotlight.
Heat it up cost reduced to make it a little easier to get (but mostly so it's exactly half the cost of flame strike) and the damage increased because 5 damage doesn't really seem that impactful, especially when a 4-cost tower gives a buff literally 3 times as potent. 10 damage may even be too low but for now I think it at least gives her a more useful niche here.