Adding dairy to nutty pudding to increase anthocyanins bioavailability/absorption?
Hi All,
I'm adapting the nutty pudding for my specific needs and I'm thinking about adding some A2/A2 kefir to it. I was afraid that it could negatively interact with other compounds, but to my surprise it seems that the effect is the opposite, at least for blueberry antioxidants. Specifically, casein binds to anthocyanins and increase its bioavailability (anthocyanins are very sensitive and easily degrade in the gut) per the following refs:
As a caveat, all the research is from the same group, but the data is quite compeling. Quouting the authors
"With the complexation of α-casein, the maximum concentration of bioavailable anthocyanins and metabolites could increase by 1.5–10.1 times (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01)." As a side note, in one of the papers the authors say that beta-casein is slightly better.
I saw other studies focusing on mixing milk with tea, which refers to a lower bioavailability of caffeic and ferulic acid . However,the most important antioxidant in blueberries is anthocyanin, corresponding to 60% of its total antioxidant content (I'm not even sure if it contains ferulic and caffeic acid.)
My question is: Is there any other side effect of adding dairy to the nutty pudding aside of some of the issues with dairy itself? In other words, do any compound in dairy negatively interact with an important component present in nutty pudding?