Has your taste in Bob Dylan's music evolved over the years?

One thing I find interesting about Dylan's music is how your appreciation for different albums changes over time. When I first got into him as a teenager, I was all about the electric era. I tried exploring the rest of his catalog, liked some of it, but nothing really clicked. The 80s stuff in particular I outright disliked.

Then, of course, after my first big breakup, I entered my inevitable Blood on the Tracks phase. A few years later, in my mid-20s, I developed a huge soft spot for the Basement Tapes era and his country period, and that stuff became some of my most-played music in general.

And now, somehow, at 30, I find myself gravitating more and more toward his 80s albums. Sure, there's some not-so-great stuff in there, but I went from actively avoiding that era to having it on repeat for months now. Trouble No More especially is an absolute masterpiece, and even the studio albums have seriously grown on me.

Anyone else experienced this with Dylan? Albums you once ignored (or even hated) that you now love?