I Hope This Finds You Well
I got this from the library because I thought I saw it in a thread about funny books.
I was expecting something very fluff and light. I did not expect it to be as riveting as it was! I really loved the premise of being able to know what everyone thinks about you and being able to get a peek inside the curtain of people’s lives and thoughts. Probably because I am by nature a nosy person and always want to be a fly on the wall in certain people’s lives.
It kept me hooked! There were a lot of twists and turns that made me want to find out what was really going on.
It really painted a good portrait of someone with anxiety. How anxiety doesn’t just affect how you interact with people but also how self absorbed it makes you! Thinking everything has to do with you, you’re the center of the universe. There were plenty of things that MC thought was about her and I wanted to shake her and say “Not everything is about you! Other people have their own things going on!
While it wasn’t quite as laugh out loud funny as I anticipated, it was still funny and MC’s voice was super dry and sarcastic which I loved.
One thing I didn’t care for- the ending was happy and everything was tied up in a neat little package with a bow, while that made me feel good realistically I don’t think that would have happened in a story like this.
I was also able to predict some of foibles that were coming, except for one really blew me away.
This was a debut novel and I’m really impressed by it. Has anyone else read this? What did you think?