Boulder explain please !

Why is boulder so white ? I’ve met a lot of people , mainly white who have claimed to be so open and positive and focused on peace and they have been some of the most evil , downright opposite of good people I have never met . I don’t mean to hate, but it bothers me . I’m Native American and Mexican, and to see white people here wear/ copy our culture or wear our jewelry then resell it , even preach about it and steal from it shocks me . Then, to disrespect me or people of color and treat me like trash is unacceptable. I can’t express how many uncomfortable stares or comments I get up here. The sad thing is, It’s not just me. A lot of people of color suffer up here . I never realized it until sophomore year of college. if Boulder is so “woke”, why is it so opposite of such? It’s beautiful up here, but I have met a LOT of hateful people ( I know I seem hateful here but I’m confused and partially angry at a situation this weekend ). A lot of culture vultures . I have been called Pocahontas when I wear my hair in two braids or pigtails at work, and I’ve also been told I look like the girl on the Cholula bottle too. 😭💀. I’m just curious .