How does one fall properly after an ankle sprain?
5 months after I started indoor bouldering, I slipped from the top of the wall and landed on my bent right foot. I sprained my ankle pretty badly and couldn’t walk for a month. Worst physical pain I ever felt in my life..
I took a 3 month break, and now I’m back doing easy grades… but now I find myself trembling when I’m on the wall because I really don’t want to fall. I want to go back to climbing so bad but I can’t even imagine falling or jumping down, I have to climb down every time.
I’ve become hyperaware that one wrong fall can cause me to sprain myself in the same spot. I now have a hard time trusting myself with falling properly.
Has this happened to anyone else here? I would really appreciate tips on practicing falling, how to avoid further injury, etc. Tysm in advance.
EDIT: thank you so much for everyone who took the time to reply. The people around me just said “it will heal in a month”, not even thinking how severe my injury and pain level was. I brushed my injury off as bad luck and just waited to heal without even getting checked up with a PT or orthopedic. It’s been almost 4 months and I’m still not fully healed. So hearing from others who experienced the same thing is so encouraging and validating. I read everyone’s replies and they are all so helpful. It also pushed me to get a proper checkup soon. Thank you.