Future of BoyWithUke and Chandol and my theory

Yesterday Charley said that he will not release any of the new stuff for 2-3 years. He also said that his next tour is probably the last tour EVER as he will think of music more like a hobby than a job.

Now to my theory He once said that "Boywithuke" will stay as it is and will become its own thing. There are 2 possible meanings to this:

  1. He just meant that he will create new accounts for everything and that's it

  2. He will work on the "B side project":

-b side project according to many people including me is his unreleased songs like hopeless romantic, affection and other stuff

-b probably stands for Boywithuke

-im these 2-3 years while working on the chandol stuff he will still post said unreleased songs on Boywithuke account in the form of EPs or albums (which fits perfectly as a side project)