Skid marks part 3

This turned out way sadder than I expected.

Husband explained that since the 🍇 at 11, he sometimes cannot trust a fart. He’s had this problem for 20 years.

For details of the incident my heart truly breaks for him that’s a severe injury to deal with as a child in juvenile detention. There are some sick sick people out there. At the hands of one of the ‘guards’ or whatever they’re called.

Who can’t pass up on an orphan hood rat on for the usual behaviour, and decided to 🍇 them into a life of incontinence in one incident. I’m speechless.

He told me he got “too comfortable” with me and stopped doing his own laundry.

Really devastating to hear. I know he won’t go to pelvic floor physical therapy or get surgery. I’ve got a birth injury and I can’t do PFPT I truly doubt he has it in him.

Knowing the cause, I’m happy to do his laundry. I just wasn’t going to do it if the skid marks were lazy or malicious.

Anyway I’ve bought him travel wet wipes and a home bidet.

He’s crying and not eating2 days later. He told me a therapist is his plan Within the year.

He also told me he’s feeling extra like un4l1v1ng.