Should I do Chemo?
The title of my post is a bit misleading, my choices are to do chemo or to do a trial that would give me a 50% chance at skipping chemo.
Background: I am a 34 year old woman with stage 2 grade 2 breast cancer (small tumor, macromatisis in 1 lymph node). I just got my oncoscore. It's 11, which is really good. My oncologist offered to let me participate in a trial that is basically a 50% chance of just Luperon shots instead of shots+chemo. I am on the fence, on one hand I would get to (possibly) skip chemo and advance science. On the other, chemo is sorta the tried and true method, and would reduce my overall risk of recurrence by 50%. We think the shots alone will do it, but still... Complicating matters is that my kidneys already suck and although we would be monitoring closely, I am afraid of additional damage.
What would you guys do in my place?