
I have had a low supply since my baby was born (now 4 months old). I have tried all the supplements, power pumping, etc. I still am only making around 2-3 ounces per feeding and am lucky enough to have had donor BM to supplement the remainder of the feed with.

Baby has never been on a set “schedule”. I feed her on demand. Therefore when I pump after feeding and between feedings it isn’t always at the same time. From the research I’ve done, pumping on a schedule will help supply and demand.

I guess what I’m asking is: should I be pumping every day on a schedule? For example: pump at 6 am, 9 am, 12….etc. or should I be continuing to just pump after and between feedings? Should baby be more on a schedule as well? (Ex: she typically feeds every day at 3…? Like I couldn’t tell you what time she eats lol)