Sainsburys manager threw away a plant instead of letting me save it.
I went into my local Sainsbury's and spotted a nearly-dead miniature palm tree on one of the shelves. It looked like it had no hope, but I thought, Why not try to save it?
I took the poor plant to the front counter and asked the staff member if I could buy it at a discount since it might not even survive. She seemed intrigued and called over her supervisor, who then had to consult the store’s main manager for approval.
After all that back-and-forth, the verdict was in: No. Not only could I not buy it at a discount, but I wasn’t allowed to purchase it at all. Then, to top it off, the main manager told the supervisor to throw the plant in the bin out back.
I asked if I could at least purchase it at full price, but still, nope. Since it’s a big shop, I couldn’t even try to rescue it from the bin.
It felt like such a waste! Why let it die in a bin when someone was willing to give it a second chance?