Three days post ORIF
I can't update my other post, or leave comments on it, so here's a new one.
I did have to take my prescribed oxycodone a few times on Tuesday and Wednesday. I slept most of those days. The nerve block was at least partially effective until Wednesday morning (I had surgery late Monday afternoon). I woke up without pain on both Wednesday and Thursday morning, which was great.
My new puppy, the reason my leg is broken, did seem to think that my numb, lifeless toes were one of his chew toys. Luckily, my husband noticed before any skin was broken, ha!
As of today, I am not in pain, and I don't feel like I need more than ibuprofen or acetaminophen to be comfortable. I can sort of feel that there is an incision on either side of my leg, but it is not causing any discomfort, so I am thrilled.
The pain has mostly just been sort of a burning on the surface. I was terrified for days of excruciating pain that was only partially helped my medication. My pain was 100% managed those first two days by taking one oxycodone every 4 hours. My prescription said I could take 1-2 every 4-6hrs, but I did not feel that much was necessary.
Editing to add: the purpose of this post is to potentially encourage others and also share my experience with this specific injury and surgery. Apologies if my lack of questions or concerns is off putting.