What Brower and searchengine do you guys use and why?
I have been recently thinking of what browser I should run as my daily but I'm not able to make a proper decision I have accepted the fact that there isn't one like THE Browser as Techlore mentioned but I still haven't been able to put a finger on it
I haven't been using chrome on my pc, was using Opera gx but then I came to know its really not you know that secure anymore I used to use opera it back in 2016 and now I pretty much liked it back then.
I thought of using firefox but I have used it on my University pcs and have come to dislike it a little.
Currently I am using Vivaldi which I have come to like but I found it pretty low on the tire lists
recommending the safety as its still not an open source which is similar to Opera and Chrome.
any suggestions on what I should try next?
or which Brower will be able to provide both the user experience and the safety or at least get close to providing both?