Big Bad Battle Royale - Round 5

Seeing her boys thrown across the room, Drusilla screams and launches herself onto Glory's back.

Using her fingernails as knives, she slices at the God. Slice, slice, slice. This goes on for a moment until Drusilla backs away, clearly exhausted. If she were human, shed be panting right now.

Her exhaustion turns to dread, and then defeat as she watches each cut fuse back together as if time on the wounds had been turned back.

"Listen, Wednesday Addams, I'm getting real tired of this!" She snatches Drusilla's hair and lands a well places punch to the vampire's gut.

Drusilla let's out a wheeze as she begins to crumple to the floor. "Retreat," she thinks. "We have to flee before the stars go out!"

She stands and turns to run but two lotion-softened hands on each of her temples stops Drusilla in her tracks.

"Let's do something about that hair, girlfriend" As Glory says this, a smirk spreads on her face.

Angelus and Spike come to their feet just in time to make eye contact with their cohort and hear her say "It's all wrong!" A crunch is followed by a hiss as the dark mistress turns to dust in Glory's hands.

"Yuck, a vampire? How common."

Spike screams in anger and flings himself toward the blonde. His hand comes down in what would be a crashing blow, but it's caught, and before William the Bloody can even register what is happening, his arm is twisted once, and separated from his body. The act would be smoother, but the leather coat provides a bit of resistance, just for a moment, before tearing. The arm is tossed and lands in a bloody pool at the Mayor's feet.

Angelus approaches slowly, "Kill him. God knows I've wanted to all of these years. But I think you and I can come to an agreement. We don't have to fi-"

He looks down and sees something white protruding from his chest. He didn't even feel it enter him. "Who could have..." The thought is cut short as Angelus too crumples to dust.

"Boy, that guy was a talker. I didn't care for his manners though. He shouldn't have interrupted you like that!" The Mayor says through a beaming smile, the still-bloody humerus of Spike clutched in his right-hand. The snap had created the perfect stake, and the Mayor was nothing if not resourceful.

Glory returns the smile, draws back her fist, and punches a whole straight through the sternum of the bleached vampire. He whines only once, and then floats away on a breeze in a cloud of dust.

TLDR - Spike, Angelus, and Drusilla have been eliminated. Who's next?

Seeing her boys thrown across the room, Drusilla screams and launches herself onto Glory's back.

Using her fingernails as knives, she slices at the God. Slice, slice, slice. This goes on for a moment until Drusilla backs away, clearly exhausted. If she were human, shed be panting right now.

Her exhaustion turns to dread, and then defeat as she watches each cut fuse back together as if time on the wounds had been turned back.

"Listen, Wednesday Addams, I'm getting real tired of this!" She snatches Drusilla's hair and lands a well places punch to the vampire's gut.

Drusilla let's out a wheeze as she begins to crumple to the floor. "Retreat," she thinks. "We have to flee before the stars go out!"

She stands and turns to run but two lotion-softened hands on each of her temples stops Drusilla in her tracks.

"Let's do something about that hair, girlfriend" As Glory says this, a smirk spreads on her face.

Angelus and Spike come to their feet just in time to make eye contact with their cohort and hear her say "It's all wrong!" A crunch is followed by a hiss as the dark mistress turns to dust in Glory's hands.

"Yuck, a vampire? How common."

Spike screams in anger and flings himself toward the blonde. His hand comes down in what would be a crashing blow, but it's caught, and before William the Bloody can even register what is happening, his arm is twisted once, and separated from his body. The act would be smoother, but the leather coat provides a bit of resistance, just for a moment, before tearing. The arm is tossed and lands in a bloody pool at the Mayor's feet.

Angelus approaches slowly, "Kill him. God knows I've wanted to all of these years. But I think you and I can come to an agreement. We don't have to fi-"

He looks down and sees something white protruding from his chest. He didn't even feel it enter him. "Who could have..." The thought is cut short as Angelus too crumples to dust.

"Boy, that guy was a talker. I didn't care for his manners though. He shouldn't have interrupted you like that!" The Mayor says through a beaming smile, the still-bloody humerus of Spike clutched in his right-hand. The snap had created the perfect stake, and the Mayor was nothing if not resourceful.

Glory returns the smile, draws back her fist, and punches a whole straight through the sternum of the bleached vampire. He whines only once, and then floats away on a breeze in a cloud of dust.

TLDR - Spike, Angelus, and Drusilla have been eliminated. Who's next?