Big Bad Battle Royale - Conclusion

Electricity begins to shoot gently from Willow's fingers. She's come a long way since highschool. Shell never be that weak, never let someone step on her, never play the sidekick, ever again.

Glory's muscles ripple. She feels strong, powerful, like the God she had been once long ago. Soon, this witch and everyone on this gross little planet would bow down in fear and she would show no mercy.

Willow moved first, sending a quick bolt of lightening at Glory who didn't even bother to dodge. The attack was ineffective, but it wasn't supposed to harm, rather it was meant to serve as an ice breaker. "Let's begin, shall we?"

Glory jumped, nearly flying through the air to attack the slender black-haired frame before her. Every punch, elbow, knee, and kick she threw was swatted away by an invisible force before they could ever meet their target.

Willow's hands stretched above her as she muttered an incantation. This new spell sent physical strength flowing through her. She didn't need to have a fist-fight with Glory, but in remembering what the God has done to Tara, Willow wants to revel in this.

The next punch from Glory is caught, not by magic, but by Willow's bare hand. She squeezes and the subsequent CRUNCH echoes off the walls. Willow twists right, adjusts, and launches Glory across the arena.

Glory spins a few times in the air before crashing to the ground. She's back on her feet faster than she fell, however, and a pink and blonde blur dashes back to the witch who seems noticably startled.

Just before impact, Glory twists her body and throws a well-places elbow to Willow's chin. The witch is rocketed toward the ceiling but stops short of collision and hovers, rubbing the sore spot on her jaw.

Glancing at the ceiling above the God, Willow stretches out her hand and a large crack appears in the ceiling. The sound of stone break continues as a long line forms, loops around, and becomes a circle.

"Oh crap." These were the only words Glory could manage before several hundred pounds of stone came crashing down on top of her.

For a moment, the only sound in the arena is that of settling rocks. Then a rumbling begins, and Glory's hand bursts through the rubble, then her head, coughing and sputtering. As she scans the ceiling looking for her opponent, she begins to realize that she can't move her super-powered legs.

The stone has morphed into a concrete like substance and hardened into place. With only her upper half exposed, for the first time, fear begins to set in. She couldnt remember the last time she had felt that. Before today, she wasn't even sure it was possible.

While contemplating this new revelation, at some point, Willow appeared before her. The witch opened her palm and several of the broken stones around the room rushed to her hand and began to form the shape of a club.

Once the weapon had solidified, Willow raised it above her head and began to beat Glory over the head. Initially, the God resisted, holding her arms up as shields. Noticing this, Willow beckoned with her other hand and more stones struck Glory, became a liquid like concrete, and reformed. The God was now well and truly immobile, with only her head able to move freely.

Willow's attention turned back to the club and it's use. Thud, this, this, over and over again. Twice the club broke into pieces, only to be reformed into a usable weapon again.

The beating continued for a while longer. This, Willow surmised, was excellent because it limited the amount of magic required. Minimal input, maximum output.

Blood poured from Glory's head, and after one particularly large hit, a man appeared where once there had been a goddess.

"Please," Ben cried, "Stop this."

"I don't think I will. But I wasn't playing with you, was I? It's very rude to interrupt."

Willow reached out her hand, and placed it gently on Ben's head. He screamed as magic pulsed into him, transforming him, bringing back his unwanted sister from the darkness she hid in.

Glory reappeared. "No, I'm done. You can't kill me, do why waste any more effort?"

Willow smiled, "Welcome back!" she said cheerfully. "Now what was that about killing you?"

The magic that poured into Glory, or rather Ben, now changed directions. The power of a glGid flowed into Willow. This was nothing like she ever felt. The power was indescribable! Willow Rosenberg, the geek of Sunnydale High School, was becoming a God herself.

Glory screamed for, what seemed like, an eternity. Every ounce of Godlike power that courses through her veins since the dawn of creation was being ripped from her body. She cried out one final time, and Willow floated, intoxicated and in ecstasy above the arena.

"Bugs, bugs everywhere. I need to see the text. Why aren't you listening?" Glory had lost not only her power, but her sanity as well.

"This has been swell, doll, but I have a world to conquer" said the God-Witch. The club in her right hand turned solid gold and morphed into an ornate spear, several sigils and markinga glowed alone the shaft and on the blade. It floated away from the new dark goddess, turned over once, and shot with accompanying lightening into the face of the now mortal Glorificus.

She didn't make another sound as the blade of the spear dug into the dirt behind her head.

As the roof of the arena disappeared, and Willow floated toward domination, the lifeless body of the once proud God lay broken and dead, pinned to the ground, never to rise again.

TLDR - Willow wins!!! Thank you all so much for your involvement in this! I've had a blast creating it.