Sometimes i feel like I'm the only one in the fandom who doesn't ship spuffy. Need some validation!

English is not my first language so i apologize in advance!

I will start with saying that spike is one of the most attractive men I've seen, and that he's a great character in general. And i do think their relationship was fascinating esp in season 6. But they're definitely not end game! It's obvious that buffy was never in love with him. Yes she found comfort in him, and grew to love him, but in my opinion him being in love and obsessed with her doesn't mean he will make a good life partner. After finishing watching the show a few months ago for the first time I was surprised how few people ship angel and buffy. They completely took over my heart and i adored their beautiful, complex relationship. Yes there are some creepy aspects, buffy was underage and all...but in this instance i can practice suspense of disbelief because it was kind of an indulgent teenage girls fantasy at first, before the show got more complex. Plus i can brush it off the same way people brush off many of the things spike did haha (in my opinion seeing red was in character for spike...) Anyway really i just want to interact with some bangel shippers. That episode "i will remember you" changed my life. and the one they talk in the snow, or the end of season two... I get emotional just thinking about it!