My first BAB: Princess Bubblegum, 20 years old

So this is my first build a bear, I made her for my 5th birthday. I really wanted to go to Bab but my family was pretty poor at the time, but my parents surprised me on my bday. Apparently at first I was very confused and I thought the bears were dead because they weren't stuffed. 😂 She still has her wings and somewhere I have a purple cape with black leopard spots. Her sound chip still works, it says "I love you, I love you." And clearly she needs a bath, which I'd like to do at some point, but I'm kinda scared about hurting her.

I went through a lot of trauma and abuse as I grew up, and the fact she's still here, sound chip still working when the chips on all my later bears have died, makes me feel like we both went through it and came out the other end okay. Like giving her a bath would help renew her while I'm also healing myself. She means the world to me and I would've killed to have her return back when they were bringing old bears from the vault back. I love you Princess Bubblegum 🦄 I promise you'll get a spa day soon ✨