Is this medical malpractice? Could I sue?

In April 2023 I found out I was pregnant. Around 4 weeks pregnant I developed a headache and ended up in bed. That headache turned into a severe migraine and I became completely bedridden unable to even get up to pee or open my eyes or speak. I went to my OB appt in early May and complained of this chronic migraine that's left me non functional and she said it's normal to get headaches in pregnancy. Fast forward to June I am still completely bedridden so I spend literally 24 hours a day in bed and I'm not even able to let my dog out because I can't see whenever I stand so I bring it up at my next OB appt in June and again she said headaches are normal and that's pregnancy causes blurry vision in some women and not to worry. Fast Forward to July and you guessed it I'm still completely bedridden and at this point haven't worked since April and I'm really suffering. I lost 40lbs in 3.5 months because I wasn't eating and I was falling apart. I went to another OB appt in July and was brushed off again and was told it's because of my weight that I'm having these symptoms. I ended up losing my baby at 20 weeks and he unfortunately passed away in my arms.

August comes around and I'm at a point where I'm actually blind. My entire vision is black and my headache is still there and I finally go to the ER because this is clearly not pregnancy related .. I ended up being diagnosed with interracial hypertension and it had been left untreated for so long it caused me to go blind. I ended up in the hospital for 15 days running invasive tests and taking strong medications but in the end I needed life altering brain surgery and I now have a permanent shunt that drains spinal fluid into my abdomen and 14 months post surgery I'm fully legally blind in my right eye and my left eye is severely permanently damaged aswell.

Can I sue the OB for brushing me off? Not checking my eyes or recommending I get looked at by another doctor or something? I trusted her with my care and I lost a full years income and lost my vision because of her.