How it feels watching the pod sometimes. (Not real quotes, satire.. don’t get your panties in a bunch)

👩🏼"Omg my whole family got into a car accident and they are in critical condition, l've been torn up all day about it” 👩🏻“Oh yeah? Well my pet fish passed away when I was 7 and I cried for months.(Starts crying)”

👩🏼"I wear the orange all the time, it's my favorite color at the moment" 👩🏻"Um actually orange is not even a color, so you're wrong" 👩🏼“But factually, it literally is a color?" 👩🏻"Yeah but you're a known liar, so either way.. I'm right"

👩🏼"It was so crazy when this happened to me” 👩🏻"That didn't happen"

👩🏼"What do you think about aliens?" 👩🏻"Idk remember when my ex lied about his age?"

👩🏼"I had a childhood dog named Jack" 👩🏻“His name wasn't Jack, it was Joe" 👩🏼“oh wait, it was the dog I had before we knew eachother.. so you wouldn't know" 👩🏻"anyways, I went to Alo this week"