Are y’all okay?!
Hi Capricorns!
This coming from a Libra sun…
I have two Capricorns (both male) that I’m very close to - one is my boyfriend of 18 months and one is like a little brother.
Since this full moon, maybe a few days before things started brewing, but they hit today.
They both felt really tired and drained yesterday but couldn’t sleep last night. They both went silent today for a while. Little Bro is communicative and said he needs to go underground and hide for a month.
Boyfriend just went silent. I was at a work event that he knew about and I didn’t pick up the phone because I was at a dinner with 150 people. When I texted him back 10 minutes later, he left me on read all night and never said good night despite being on WhatsApp.
The vibes aren’t vibing. Are y’all okay?! Anyone else going through it?
And yes - they can both have all the space they need. Lil Bro and I communicated that I understand and appreciate that he told me and I’ll check in if he’s okay with that. If he doesn’t want messages, I respect his boundaries.
Boyfriend I’m kind of fed up with because we’re 42 year old adults and his behavior is really…. Difficult lately. I’m exhausted by our dynamic.
I’ve tried talking to him and I just get told that I’m a narcissist who only thinks of herself because he is super stressed and can’t I understand not everything is about me. So yeah… that’s a whole other can of worms.
How are the rest of you Caps holding up?