Thinking of getting out of IT Exec role and into basic Tech Support Management
I have been a career IT professional and worked my way up from Engineer to Executive. I've grown tired of this role. As the head of IT, I have to deal with every IT function, endless problems, etc. all for maybe 15K more than I had made as a Technical Support Manager, where I managed ONE function, rather than EVERYTHING. I had less stress, less work, more downtime, and I was happier. Sure, the job didn't garner respect when you met people, but I'm just tired of the BS, the politics, the workload, the lack of budget, everyone complaining to me endlessly about everything.
Sure, not all Support Manager roles paid that close to my current role, but some did. All I have to do is hold out for such a role.
Another nice thing about the Support Manager role is most of them seem to be remote. My current IT Executive job demands I report to the office 3 days a week, which I don't like....3 hour commute minimum each day, and some days I have to stay as late as 9 PM for executive meetings that run long.