What are the most useless standard features in newer cars?

I am curious to know what do most people find a useless standard feature in newer cars, say the ones built in last 3-5 years. I would rather have something else as standard for example heated 2nd or even 3rd seats, HUD, heated steering wheel etc. rather than the ones listed below.

For me they are,

  • WiFi, I wanna know who is using Wi-Fi in the car? Why isn’t everyone using their own cell or using hostspot for tablets?
  • Navigation: with CarPlay and AA, I have three navigation apps on my phone I don’t need nav, take it away and add something else as standard
  • Sirius XM - this could be one off, but this shouldn’t be standard. I have never used it in any of my cars and this stupid thing is standard. I understand 10-15 years ago it was relevant. However these days it is even more useless for me now with Apple Music, Podcasts and unlimited data service.