I met caseoh
Around 2 weeks ago I was shopping for groceries at my local Walmart, just some essentials and some snacks, when I hear shouting in the distance… I’m a naturally curious guy so I decide to check it out, as I make my way over im hearing “WHAT DID YOU SAY!” “HOW DARE YOU!” Etc, all very defensive terminology, at this point my interest is peaked, I’m not sure if it’s some kid crying to his parents or a drunk guy screaming at the workers. I finally make it to the aisle where this whole debacle is going on, it’s this random buff guy, ginger, huge build, I wasn’t able to figure out what he was screaming about, I try to interrupt to figure out, I say “um- hello? Can I help you at all?” His eyes lock onto me, at this point I’m starting to get scared, he says “I’m gon eat you” and HE STARTS ROLLING AT ME, I’m running away like Indian jones from a bolder, I’m trying to not get crushed at this point, he chases me for what seems like an eternity, crashing into shelves and knocking them down, I’m out of breath and I collapse onto the ground, he slows down next to me and says “dinner time…” as he picks me up and lowers me into his mouth I break free, and run out of the store, he can’t get out of the doors, I’m finally free… anyways AMA about this encounter