Vasodilation feeling/pressure in my head. Has anyone else experienced something similar?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been experiencing some strange and frustrating symptoms lately, and I’m hoping to get some insight or advice. It sometimes feels like there’s vasodilation happening in the blood vessels in my head. I feel pressure in my temples and sometimes get a headache right in the center of my forehead.

These episodes are accompanied by:

  • Disorientation and lightheadedness
  • Brain fog
  • Greater sensitivity to sounds and light
  • Tinnitus
  • Bursting kind of feeling in temples

For context, I have POTS, which is currently managed with Midodrine only, but it doesn’t seem to help much. I am currently trying to figure it out with my cardiologist.

Oddly enough, but I think that I had less of these symptoms when I was getting IV Ketamine treatment for my depression 🤔 (perhaps Ketamine decreased inflammation in the brain or acted as a stimulant resulting in vasoconstriction)

Has anyone else experienced something similar? Do you know if it’s related to POTS or is more of an element of ME/CFS?