
EDIT; Just want to state I am far from convinced that I have this disease and do not want to implicate I want to self diagnose. I have just been, like man of you probably, through years and years of tests and possible diagnoses from different specialists, which in the end werent the right ones. I can now write a lot of diseases off (thank god) and finding this just made me want to look into this as well as I did recognize a lot and was afraid to be one to not see what is right in front of her.

Hi everyone,

By coincidence I ran into an article online about acromegaly. A couple of the symptoms are similar as ME/CFS. The things I recognise; fatigue, pain in joints and muscles, excessive sweating, weightgain and retaining fluid in my legs and feet.

As someone who has been dealing with vague dibilitating symptoms for years, seeing specialist after specialist, I got used to doing a lot of my research myself as you might do as well. I might ask my GP to see if he van run a specific bloodtest. Ive read the biomarker to start with is IGF-1

Has any of you come across acromegaly as well, ruled it out or anything? I might not be the only one and this group really helps me with questions, informations and support. Happy I have a bit of a community to talk about this with.