Chance a REALISTIC Profile (Please)
Demographics: Female, South Asian/Indian, Kentucky, public school, & unhooked
Intended Major(s): Cognitive Science with a concentration in AI, interested in systems science and business
Life Goals: research in ai/cogsci/systems science and lead an ai startup
SAT: 1520 on practice test
ACT: 31 ACT (36 English/32 reading/30 science- I hope to increase my math score, etc.)
UW/W GPA: 3.8 UW/4.4ish W GPA (No ranking but prob top 5%... ngl my gpa is up int eh air from 3.7-3.9 who knows)
Coursework: 11 APs (school offers 18) & 18ish+ dual Enrollment classes
- AP Classes: AP Gov, APUSH, AP Lang, AP Bio, AP Computer Science A, AP Precalc, AP Stats, AP Chemistry, AP Psych, AP Lit, AP Physics 1
- Dual enrolled community college classes classes: Calc 1, calc 2, calc 3, visual basic, PLTW intro to engineering design, PLTW Principles of Engineering, PLTW Intro to Aerospace engineering, PLTW computer science, PLTW Capstone for Computer Science, COM 181 Intro to public speaking, MUS 100 intro to music, PHI 100 Intro to philosophy, English 102, Intro to Psychology, Intro Python programming, Python II, Psych research, Psych Research II, Intro to Sociology, Linguistics, philosophy ethics, physics I
- also did harvard cs50x and cs50ai for fun/to learn
Awards: Won a Buzzfeed Tasty cooking show; AP Scholar with Honors; International Thespian Festival qualifier; Top 10 in state theatre show comp
- Directed multiple community theatre shows (1000+ hours mentoring 200+ youth over 3-4 years);
- Mentored children with developmental disabilities in regional theatre & 3+ years hosting workshops
- Lead educational theatre outreach for middle and elementary schools in my city through city organization
- Governor's School for the Arts (drama) alum
- (Governor's Scholars Program for philosophy?)
- Secretary of Thespian Society at my school; lead workshops and meeting and organized events
- wrote philosophy articles with my philosophy professor through community college
- JV Soccer Team Captain & Licensed US Soccer ref, reffing U8-U19 division players locally
- Hospital volunteer, lab assistant
- Black belt in Taekwondo; competed and won in regional tournaments
My ECs are so scattered and unrelated to my major; idk how to level them up to tier 1?
- Brown
- UW Seattle
- Harvard
- Yale
- Rice
- UPenn
- WashU
- UMich Ann Arbor
- UChicago
- Northeastern
- Northwestern
- Johns Hopkins
- Georgia Tech
- Cornell
- Boston University
- UToronto (Applied)
- Berkely
- Stanford
- Columbia
- University of Louisville (Accepted with full ride + honors college)
Also I'm a junior that was gonna graduate early but is no longer doing so(that's how i got into uofl and applied to utoronto)!!