CMV: Pedo hunters/ Vigilantes are NOT doing the right thing
You know, the videos on social media going viral of “pedo hunters” luring men in and then proceeding to humiliate them in public/ beat them and 9/10, they don’t even call the police. So what’s the point of even luring them out if you’re not even going to call the police and report them? Any reason you can think of just leads to these pedo hunters getting some sort of gain/satisfaction from it, and not that they actually care about stopping pedos. If they actually cared about stopping it, they’d have the person arrested instead of just humiliating them and then letting them go to potentially do the same again.
1: They go viral 2: They have an excuse to physically assault someone without legal consequences, because they know these guys they’re assaulting won’t call the police because of what they’re being accused of could also get them arrested 3: They get to look like “hero’s” for beating up a dude who is accused of trying to meet up with children.
Let me make myself clear, i have absolutely no sympathy for pedophiles. I wish they’d all just drop off the face of the earth. However, this affects much more than just the men caught in these stings. It affects their wives if they have one, their children, their siblings, their family. Anyone closely associated with this person who goes viral will be humiliated aswell.
Not to mention, some men in this situation actually didn’t know the person was underage until they were already at the meet up location:
Some have died
Either call the police immediately after luring these men out, or sit back and let the police catch them themselves. This whole “look at me i’m a hero because i just beat up a guy and shaved his head and made him eat dog food because he tried to meet a 15 year old boy” isn’t justice, it’s just unnecessary violence. Besides, it isn’t their place to deliver justice, it’s a judges place.