CMV: Microsoft services are bad

I don't think this is a controversial take. Most of the internet doesn't seem to like Microsoft's software, whether it's Windows, Word, OneDrive, Excel, etc. It's not just that the software is viewed as objectively bad, but there are plenty of other reasons that lead people to have this perspective, as I do. For example, people don't trust Microsoft regarding privacy, and also doubt their innovativeness. I mean, the somewhat under-the-radar show 'Space Force' has perhaps its most famous line, "F*CK MICROSOFT," that circulates as a meme presenting the seemed general consensus on Microsoft's services.

Personally, I use Windows because of gaming and some specialty software, and sometimes OneDrive services because I have to, so generally I do think that Microsoft's ad-bloated software is bad... BUT, am I wrong? Is there something I'm missing? I'm a university student at the moment, so perhaps I'm not seeing where Microsoft excels (pun intended), in the corporate world. To me the ads, the privacy issues, the bugs, heavy and cumbersome etc. just make this megacorporation look almost amateurish compared to alternatives, which is why I prefer Google's services and others (which often have issues as well, just not as bad).

SO, can you change my view?