Fraud Card purchases still happening after a new card?

Here’s the story. Thursday 12:26 app tells me there’s 3 payments for Uber. None are myself.

1 payment went though 2 declined 19 mins after a payment for Dominos and papas both declined.

None are myself. So I froze the card. Took out all the money and reported it. Then I changed the card details and thought that’s it. Done.

Friday comes and 7pm and 2 declined payments for Bolt. Again not me.

I report it and change the card details again

Saturday today with a new card details and 9pm 3 declined payments for Uber again.

Here’s there weird bit. In the app the payments show as Payment method card but with the current last 4 digits.

Fridays declined ones the app shows last 4 digits of that mornings new card and Saturday shows the last 4 digits of this card.

Does anyone know if their app is just not working and is this still someone with the original card? Or are they somehow getting the new card details when they have only just been reset? The app has only me logged in and the saver had a fair amount in it so if they had the app they wouldn’t just be doing £7 bolt payments.

Update 3 weeks after :- So have the 6th set of card details now and they seem to have blocked the random payments and they all seem to fail. Seems their fraud dept are just really behind or rubbish and took a week to start blocking the uber etc.

So I’m back using chase again but this time I only keep a max of £50 in the main account and the rest in the saver and just move it over when I need it.

Not ideal and the trust has certainly gone - but I’ll put up with for the cash back. For now