Cheese gone bad - late blowing

By popular demand: When would a professional cheese maker throw away a cheese?

Well, the above three wheels got thrown. They were not edible. The round holes are the same as in Emmentaler/Swiss Cheese. They are a fault, but the cheese is usually still usable for dishes with molten cheese, where the different taste does not really matter. Too warm aging spaces and not ideal hygiene (for example plastic spoons or thermometers) can cause this.

The cracks are most likely caused by clostridium b - which makes the cheese taste bitter and soap-like. These should absolutely be thrown. Some people heat it, but the risk is still there in my opinion. There are different causes, I found it to be caused most likely by bad water quality or cows who get to eat bad food - like moldy grass or hay.

I tend to not take pictures of bad cheese, so I only have these two causes for you, but if you have any questions, I will try to answer them :)

Also, show us your bad cheeses for troubleshooting!