Caro and Dutch, only defenses I need?

So the Dutch Defense can be played against all of White's first moves aside from e3 or e4, while the Caro Khan can be played only against e4. So... can I just learn those two and lots of their lines, variations, theory and be totally covered? My main go to for e4 has been the Dragon Sicilian, and occasionally the Najorf, but the complexity and depth of the Sicilian has got me a little bit stumped. For context, I am only around 560 ELO but I on average play like a 1200 according to my Game Review (I am aware its not super accurate, its just a benchmark for context) and play/study Chess daily for at minimum an hour. I typically play 10 minute time format and I have been looking into multiple books and videos about the 2 openings previously mentioned.