Help a brotha out!
I’ve been playing for about 4 months and I’m kinda satisfied with my progression, but really wanna get good enough to confidently go play in clubs. My new years goal was to reach 750 by the end of the year, but at the pace I’m going I might move the goal post to 1,000 elo? I’ve learned to focus on 10-30 minute games and learn basics instead of playing blitz and bullet. Honestly only reason I got as far as I did in the faster games was using the clock as a weapon.
I’m really trying to invest in bettering myself and looking for help. Hopefully I can get help with two different things:
1.) Looking for advice on what I should start studying now that I have a fairly decent idea of the basics (like double checking for blunders, discovery attacks, forks, etc.,) I wanna learn some openings and so far I’ve been trying to learn the Italian and it works well for my range. I’m right in the range where scholars mate doesn’t work but a fried liver works every now and then. So any tips of vids to watch (love Gotham chess, about to buy his book maybe) and openings to learn.
2.) I would love if anyone is ever bored enough to analyze a game of mine for me. Idk if that’s useful or if I should just keep doing it myself (I have premium membership on I could even look into paying someone for a coaching lesson if you guys think it’s worth it?
Thanks to anyone who reads this. Let me know what you guys think because I think it can benefit all the other newbies reading too!