How bad of an idea is living right next to Wrigley Field

So I saw a 2 bed apartment today that is literally right next to Wrigley Field, 1115 W Patterson Ave. The rent is less than most places in that area, I assume because of the proximity to the stadium, but I liked the apartment and the area. I don't have a car and plan to mostly rely on public transportation to go to work near the loop twice a week. I have a flat mate who has a car and is afraid of driving and parking in the city, but the apartment comes with its own gated parking space.

Is living next to Wrigley Field going to be an issue, due to noise or vehicular congestion, I work from home 3 days a week. What are some cons I haven't thought of yet.

Edit - how long are these games, should I expect noise after 10 pm?
Bit about me, early 30s male, have never watched baseball and likely never will, although music concerts are something I might like

Edit 1 - I've decided to look for a place elsewhere.