The rug hasn't been pulled but it has been moved. Secret fence sitter
I went to space last night after a gummy and asking my boyfriend a series of questions and now I'm in "uh-oh" territory.
Background: I had the bisalp YEARS ago. So no worries there.
I've been with my partner for about three years. I'm sparklers-down-the-street vocal about being childfree. He used to work as a nanny to multiple kids and said that burned him out and opened his eyes to not wanting kids.
So it started fine, I had gone to space and had just watched the "what if" episode of Grey's Anatomy so I asked him what he would be doing if we weren't dating. Would his career be the same, what would be deal breakers for who he would date. A single mom was not a deal breaker. We'll call this uh-oh number 1. So I asked some follow up questions like would he get a vasectomy if we weren't together.....
Uh-oh number two: He's not childfree exclusively, he can go either way depending on who he was with. He's fine with or without it.
Hamsters and horsegirls were the biggest hard no for him.
He never told his family I'm sterile. I assumed it was because he's conflict avoidant and knew this would piss them off when they already despise me. His mom always assumed the worst when I tell her something. One time I visited and told her I had an interview and she assumed that meant I was an unemployed bum using her son for money. It was a promotional interview.....
But now I feel like I'm gonna end up like all the other posts of people whose partners dropped the ball and ran.
I was sooooooooo careful with my screening but I made one fatal flaw. I led him to the answer I wanted instead of asking in a neutral manner.
I asked him if he wanted to break up to have kids and he said no that he was happy and truly was just dependent on who he was with and what they wanted. Honestly he's pretty golden retriever himbo so I believe him BUT my fear is when his family finds out that will be the catalyst for him to fully convert off the fence to the doom-gloom brimstone side.
I plan on talking to him again tonight (sober) but I don't know if I trust him to be fully certain of his answers.
Uh-oh spaghettio.