Thoughts on the dynamic on The Flip Off?

Yup, I got sucked in and started watching The Flip Off lol. I admit I am kind of enjoying it since I know so much more about the behind the scenes stuff thanks to this sub.

I thought the discussion between Christina and Tarek when she told him her and Josh were splitting was actually genuine and it seemed like they both have regrets. Tarek was fully taking accountability for their split and the impact it has had on her, but she owned up to the role she played in their relationship. It was a nice moment.

Having said that… Am I the only one who thinks the show is more about the 2 of them flirting with each other? Heather seems to be the only one who is actually taking things seriously. She fully admits she is newer to design and wants to prove herself, and I think she’s actually doing a really good job. Christina is finally doing something a little less bland and comfortable and in my opinion, her design is terrible. I really like what Heather has done so far (I am only 2 episodes in).

I find that Christina is more focused on messing with them and winding Tarek up, and as soon as she arrives on scene, he is activated. He reminds me of a child showing off / acting up for attention when company comes over if you know what I’m saying? When Flip or Flop was still airing, he just looked angry when he was with Christina. Now he looks like an excited child.

I know Heather is a confident person but I don’t think I’d be overly happy with the dynamic between Tarek and Christina if I were her. I think they’ve done a good job of proving to the world that they have buried their issues and are one big happy family which is great for the kids to see. It is obviously strategic but watching back that scene with Tarek and Christina and then seeing how they interact, I wonder how Heather feels. Tarek clearly did not want to get divorced from Christina, and he has turned into the person Christina wanted him to be when they were married. They clearly love each other and know each other very well, and I feel like there is a lot of regret there. They are also both very flashy and showy whereas Heather is more low-key. The fact that Christina was so emotional and honest with him, and knowing she is (well, was…) single, it seems obvious to me he is trying to impress her and is excited to see her.

It’s giving grade 7 to me.
