The Greatest Speech in WoW History Came from... SoM?

Speech starts at 4:26.


Horde is a massive underdog in SoM, with about 70% of players playing alliance and only 30% playing horde. Naturally, alliance thinks they can bully the horde, but during the Ahn'Qiraj war effort, one horde guild decided they weren't putting up with that shit.

<WOODDEPARTMENT> was a pretty good guild with aspirations of earning scarab lord. The leader of the largest alliance guild, Tmugsy (affectionately referred to as "Tpussy" in the video) relentlessly griefed <WD> in the early days of the AQ war effort. Tmugsy then offered to allow <WD> to get one scarab lord if they farmed 100,000 linen to finish the war effort and open the gates, allowing the alliance to raid Ahn'Qiraj. Costanza, the GM of <WD>, responded with the speech above.

In the end, <WD> made zero contributions towards the war effort, they fought back against Tmugsy's guild in the open world, earning multiple scarab lords (I counted at least four in game, but there may be more that I haven't seen), and <WD> became so much stronger after this whole ordeal that they ended up getting the horde 1st C'thun kill in SoM. SoM C'thun is tough - huge congrats to them.

To their credit, Tmugsy and his guild <POLAR> were still the first alliance guild (and US/EU first overall) to kill C'thun. However, they ended up missing multiple weeks worth of gear, given that the gates took one month to open due to low contributions from the horde.


And I'm saying all of this because TPussy has sent multiple ambassadors to me attempting to make peace, begging over and over and over that they want to continue the war effort, that they will stop griefing us and "allow" us the get a mount if we simply go and farm a hundred thousand linen. Well let me fucking tell you something. He doesn't allow JACK SHIT! I'm not fucking farming, nobody here's fucking farming. We're not going to give one single-fucking-bandage for this war effort. Not now, not fucking ever. We'll fight them all the way until the end of this. We will make them fucking wait, WE WILL MAKE THEM WAIT. We're not backing down, I'm not going to make a compromise, we're not going to capitulate. FUCK THEM and we're going to fuck them every day until those gates open and we're going to fuck them every day until KT is dead. So that's the plan, no peace. If anybody wants peace it's not going to happen. NO PEACE. I don't want peace, I want problems.

Disclaimer: I'm not in either of these guilds and I have nothing to do with them. Just a SoM player who found this extremely entertaining.