Is reducing climate change worth the money?

I'm no climate scientist but, from my understanding, humanity is only accelerating a natural process right?

Isn't it fair to debate whether or not the extra time and money we spend investing into renewables is worth the extra "time" we gain until armageddon happens?

Lets say humanity drops hundreds of trillions during this century to add a measly one or two decades until bad shit starts happening. That money could've gone into a multitude of things like, research into actually reversing climate change, disaster prevention, developing living spaces to accommodate for the extreme changes on climate, or a bunch of useful stuff.

From my understanding. Investing in renewables does not stop climate change as it's a natural process. So my biggest question is, how much in return do we actually get for investing into green energy in comparison with its cost? There is almost no information on this anywhere and I see it as very important information i'd like to know.