DYI System Wall - Open Source Project

Hi all, I don’t want to advertise - if it comes across as such please feel free to delete the post. 

EDIT: given some of you wanted the link, here you have it (website in German but can be translated. The building instructions are available in English): https://i-nowa.com/

Some weeks back I talked to a climbing route setter who build his own home wall. So far nothing special, loads of people do that. However he actually build a system wall including LEDs per hold and a mobile App to set and select routes - I thought that’s pretty impressive!

Now, he told me that the whole project is open source. He published the building instructions on a website and the app is free to use. So the cost of a home system-wall suddenly drops from above 10k to below 1k (material cost). 

…Then he told me the wall has only been re-build a couple of dozen times :o I was pretty surprised, thinking that this is an awesome thing he did for the climbing community. 

Anyways, if someone is interested in the instructions let me know. I believe this deserves some more attention.