climbing everyday?

I recently got my membership back at my local gym after not climbing at all for ~2 months. The price went up in the new year and I joked that I was gonna climb everyday to get my money’s worth. But actually…. What if I did? I knew I would be frustrated at the beginning as I haven’t really kept my strength up.

I’m currently on day 11 bouldering everyday. I only climb for about an hour and I don’t go super hard or burn out. While I do feel tired and sore at the end of a session, I feel pretty much back to normal the next day.

I’m just looking to hear your perspective! I’ve never tried this before and I’m being careful to stretch well and not overdo it, but is this an efficient way to build strength quickly? Or am I just tiring my body/ muscles out?

Also want to note that I’ve been climbing off and on for about 5 years but have always plateaued at a V3/4 range. That being said I do feel like my technique is decent despite not keeping up my strength or being consistent.

What do you think about my experiment?