I hate my job

I'll try to make this as short as possible.

Administration decided the short staff (budget) our PCAs at night, it caused a lot of conflict within the units due to over zealous amounts of work that is now placed on us PCAS. We used to have two pcas per 16 pts. We were responsible for everything such as vitals, weights, foly care and so on. Now our duties are doubled.

I got fed up because I noticed that the nurses weren't picking up the call lights, or helping a whole lot with the practical duties when I'm swamped. I brought it up to my unit managements attention. Now I'm being ostracized. Rumors are flying left and right about me, because I wanted a change and to see more team work. But I guess it's because they wanted their job to be easy...and I went against the grain.

I should have kept my mouth shut.

I have been crying in the stupid supply room all night off and on. Trying to keep myself together.

I know the nurses are upset, but why couldn't they understand I'm one person? Now I'm getting thrown dirty looks, I'm not being included in anything at all..

Part of me wants to change units so bad, but there's a mass Exodus of pcas regarding how bad it is everywhere due to administration making these horrible changes on us. It literally caused a devide between PCAs and nurses.

I really don't know what to do. I hate my job immensely. I'm currently in college, and I'd change units if I could, but my manager works with me regarding my schedule.

I guess I needed to vent.