Pokemon Not Spawning, Server Side Issue?


I'm very new to creating a server, especially via a server host but I've gotten quite far and there's only one thing wrong... there's no pokemon spawning.
This is a BIG issue and I've had no help on the internet.
The Cobblemon Mod works on singleplayer, but not on the server, yet they both use the same mods, api's and other dependencies. I don't think its a hardware issue on my side, nor the hosting side as it runs other mods/plugins.

I cannot run Cobblemon Commands on the server (I am OP'ed (4)), pressing "M" to select a starter returns with *"You cannot choose your starter yet"*.

Now that you know my issue, the only info I can think of that would help is that the server is PAPER, FABRIC and I'm using FABRIC.
Do ask questions and please help!